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Several chapters in this book describe the authors’ experiences overcoming the effects of violence — including childhood sexual assault and marital abuse, self-harm, and suicide—as well as less-than-positive coping strategies for the resulting trauma, such as sexual acting out and overuse of alcohol and both prescribed and illegal street drugs.
We have identified these chapters with a DAISY to empower the reader’s choice.
As we learn to quiet our own negative self-talk, we master the
battle of self-sabotage, empowering ourselves to rediscover and reignite our inherent self-worth.
We GROW through what we GO through.
We are all on this journey we call life. Without warning, challenges arise. The authors in this book share their personal stories about the decisions they had to make to overcome the life circumstances they were presented.
As you read these stories and the life-lessons learned, perhaps you too, will fi nd a glimmer of hope and will realize . . .
• YOU are not alone. When others read your story and identify with it, they realize they are not alone, they feel like someone “gets them,” and together, we magically begin forming a new community.
• YOU are the author of your own life. Life can change and gives us the option to change our point of view, see the change as an opportunity, and rewrite a new chapter in our life.
• YOU can be a beacon. Sharing your story lightens your load as you learn to ask for (and accept) help. Releasing our own negative responses to old stories allows us to shine our light as a beacon of hope to others.
As we share our stories of handling life’s unexpected twists and turns, we transform the lives of our readers around the world. Someone, somewhere, will read our imperfect stories to find the courage to bust through their own invisible barriers, and in doing so, will fi nd the most perfect version of themselves they have ever dreamed possible.
It’s time to embrace your journey, fi nd your power within, and rewrite your own story!
This book's several chapters outline the writers' stories of overcoming the harm caused by violence involving sexual assault as a child and marital abuse, self-injury, and death—as well as subpar constructive coping mechanisms for the trauma that followed, such as excessive alcohol consumption and sexual behavior both illicit and prescription narcotics on the streets.
To encourage the reader to make their own decisions, we have marked certain chapters with a DAISY.
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